What You Need to Buy For Your New Dog

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So you just got a new best friend, your dog! Whether you adopted a rescue dog or bought them from a breeder there are several things you will need to start taking care of your furry friend. These are the essential items you will need when getting your new pet, but there are many many things out there you can buy for your dog.


Your new friend will need a place to sleep and to be kept while alone in the house, and this would be a crate or kennel. A new dog will need to stay in a crate while you are away from home so they can’t get into too much trouble or have accidents all over the house. They also can be trained to sleep at night in their crate so they don’t disturb you during your sleep.

Photo by Ayla Verschueren on Unsplash

The size of the crate or kennel should be the size your dog will eventually be, that way it can be used even when they are older. Some crates also come with an extra divider if you need to make the crate space smaller while your furry friend is a smaller size.

Puppy Pads

Another item you will definitely need when you have a new pet, most importantly a puppy that is not potty trained, are puppy pads. A new puppy will not be trained on going outside to use the restroom and will have accidents in the house until they learn to go outside. Puppy pads are a must for a new dog that is not potty trained. Puppy pads come in varying sizes and thickness, so you should choose the one that is appropriate for your size dog. These pads will also be used in the crate or kennel when you have to leave the dog in there for a certain amount of time. Don’t forget to also get doggy bags for picking up after your dog!

Dog Food

Dogs need to eat, just as we do! So another essential thing to pick up when you get a new pet is dog food. There are so many different types of dog food out there. From different brands, wet or dry food, different flavors, and even food made specifically for certain ages. It can all be very overwhelming to know you are choosing the right food for your dog. The best place to start to figure it out is by asking your veterinarian (which you will also need to schedule a visit with for your new dog). A veterinarian can give you some suggestions on food choices. Most dog food brands are pretty good, and the most important thing is to make sure you are feeding the right food for you dog at the age they are right now. If you have a younger puppy, make sure you are feeding them puppy food – as it is specifically made for a puppy in mind. If you have an older dog, then go for the adult dog food.

Photo by Chris Benson on Unsplash

Also, keep in mind that you will need to buy bowls to put the dog food and water in so that your new furry friend can eat and drink.

Some people will also discuss wet vs dry food for their pet. Wet food can be helpful for a younger puppy who is having trouble chewing and digesting the hard dry food. You will find that many dogs, even younger puppies, are fine with just dry food and there is no need to include wet food to their meal. This is especially true as most brands include smaller sized food for the dog food made for puppies, or even mixed food that is easier for them to eat when they are young.

Collar and Leash

You will need to take your dog out of the house of course, so the next item you will need is a collar and leash. Now there are so many different leashes you can get, as well as different collars. In can be a difficult decision to choose what is best for your dog. For starting out, keeping it simple with a collar and leash may be the way to go. Make sure you purchase a leash for the size you dog will become, as these can be adjusted to fit their neck as they grow. There are also different lengths for leashes. 6 feet is usually the regular medium length for a leash. You can also get longer leashes for you dog, but you may want to keep it the regular length for training purposes. Don’t forget to get your dog a collar as well so you have somewhere to clip the leash to, and also a place to give your pet a tag if you want to!

Toys and Treats!

While the next item you should purchase does not seem essential, it definitely is (and is something your dog will love!). Toys are an important product for your dog to have, as they will keep them busy throughout the day. Your dog will need to be occupied and entertained during the day, otherwise they can cause trouble and tear up things in your home. There are so many dog toys to choose from and you can’t go wrong with what you choose for your new friend. As you spend time with your dog you will learn what toys they love and what they don’t. Especially if you have a puppy, you will need to keep toys around so they have something to chew on and don’t end up chewing on your furniture. Also, taking your dog to the store and letting them pick at a new toy is always a lot of fun.

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Once you have a new dog in the house they will need to be trained, especially a puppy. Even older dogs will need to keep up with their training as well. A great way to train a dog is not only with their toys, but with treats as well. Treats are not only something you can give your dog just because, but they are an important part of training your pet. Like toys, there are so many treats out there and you can’t necessarily go wrong with what you pick. Keep in mind while picking a treat that is is an appropriate size for your pet. You don’t want to get a very large treat for a puppy and vice versa. The puppy will not be able to chew on the treat if it is too large. Also, you will want to keep smaller sized training treats for any size dog. When you are training the dog you don’t want to fill them up with large treats every time they do something right.

Photo by okeykat on Unsplash

Lastly, there are some items that may be essential to you regarding your dogs hygiene and grooming. Depending on what age your dog is and if you plan to have someone else handle the grooming for you dog, you can purchase some items to keep your dog clean. You can buy dental items for your dogs teeth and breath. These include dental treats, tooth brushes, and dental water drops. These may not be essential if you plan on having someone else clean your dogs teeth. They may still be needed for your dogs breath if you find that it starts to become an issue. You can also buy items for to trim or shave your dogs nails down, and for your dogs fur depending in the breed of dog. These may not be items you have to buy right when you get your new dog, but are things you may want to get later.

Getting a new pet can be very exciting, but also comes with a lot of responsibility. Your new furry friend is relying on you to take care of them and there are some essential things you will need to make sure they are well cared for. Here is a bulleted list of the products you need for you new dog,

  • Crate or Kennel
  • Puppy Pads (if your dog is not potty trained)
  • Dog Food
  • Collar and Leash
  • Toys!
  • Hygiene/Dental (if necessary)