
  • Types of Dog Training Programs

    Do You Need a Training Program? Not necessarily. You can, of course, train your dog yourself. This website is filled with many tips on training your dog in various areas. Sometimes training your own dog can be hard though, especially if you are employed full-time or have a family to take care of. Training your…


  • How to Socialize Your Dog

    Socialization is crucial for dogs to become well-adjusted and confident members of society. Just like humans, dogs thrive on positive interactions and experiences with others. Investing time in socializing your furry friend pays off immensely in their overall behavior and happiness. What is Socialization Socialization is the process of exposing your dog to different environments,…


  • How to Crate Train a Puppy

    You have to leave the house for a little while so you put your new puppy in the awesome crate you bought for them. How does the puppy react? They will immediately start crying and fighting to get out of the crate. They may even struggle with you when you are carrying them to put…


  • How to Stop a Puppy From Biting

    Your puppy will want to explore the world using their nose and their mouth. Puppies will also go through a teething process just as a baby would, which is wen they lose their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth. This involves biting and chewing on everything, which can be destruction and painful! While this…


  • How to Potty Train a Puppy

    Bringing home a new puppy can be such an exciting time! You have picked up everything they need and are eager to get them acquainted to you and your home. Your new furry friend will be running around the house, cuddling with you, and playing with all of their new toys, when out of nowhere…


  • What You Need to Buy For Your New Dog

    So you just got a new best friend, your dog! Whether you adopted a rescue dog or bought them from a breeder there are several things you will need to start taking care of your furry friend. These are the essential items you will need when getting your new pet, but there are many many…