Types of Dog Training Programs

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Do You Need a Training Program?

Not necessarily. You can, of course, train your dog yourself. This website is filled with many tips on training your dog in various areas. Sometimes training your own dog can be hard though, especially if you are employed full-time or have a family to take care of. Training your dog is a full-time job itself and just like humans, dogs need to be engaged so that their brains develop. If you find that you don’t have the time to train your dog or your dog is continuing to have behavioral issues, a training program might be right for you.

In-Person Training

If you look online you can see various in-person training options for your dog. There may be local training programs in your area that have amazing reviews or you can look at nationwide programs that are throughout the country. Some places that have training programs catered to new puppies and even older dogs are your pet stores, such as Petsmart and Petco. Going with one of these programs allows you and your furry friend to go in-person and learn proper training techniques.

Online Training

Another option for dog training, is a program that is entirely online and in video form. This option is great if you don’t have the time to do an in-person training and want to do it on your own schedule.

One program that is fully online and very comprehensive is Brain Training for Dogs. The premise behind the program is that doing brain training with your dog will increase their intelligence and make training them in different behavioral areas easier. This program was developed by a professional dog trainer, Adrienne Farricelli, who is passionate about dogs and has experience training many different dogs.

Courtesy of braintraining4dogs.com

This program is extremely in depth, starting from the basic foundation for brain training games and continues up to very advanced brain games. Each game is created to help your dog in an area that could be a behavioral issue, such as anxiety, separation issues, or excessive barking. The training is broken down into modules and covers every conceivable behavioral issue that you may notice with your dog. Each module includes step-by-step guides and video demonstrations that are easy to understand. There is also a 60-day money back guarantee if you don’t feel that the course is right for you.

If you would like to learn more about this extensive course and sign-up for this program, click on the link provided and it will take you to the main page (https://cdae3kt71o0450jz17l8czu10n.hop.clickbank.net).


While a training program for your dog is not required to have a well-behaved, happy dog, it can be beneficial. There are various programs out there if you do decide to go with a training program including in-person and online training, depending on what works for your lifestyle. Training your furry friend is extremely important not only for your happiness but for their development as well. Choosing the right way to train your dog is entirely up to you and should fit you and your dog’s life.