How to Potty Train a Puppy

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Photo by Garrett Karoski on Unsplash

Bringing home a new puppy can be such an exciting time! You have picked up everything they need and are eager to get them acquainted to you and your home. Your new furry friend will be running around the house, cuddling with you, and playing with all of their new toys, when out of nowhere the puppy has an accident on the floor! The first time is not a big deal because you know the puppy is still learning. Once your new furry friend continues to use the restroom on the floor multiple times, it becomes a bit of an annoyance to have to keep cleaning the floor. This can be even worse if you have carpet in your house or apartment.

We all know that a puppy does not know where to use the restroom, so it is definitely not the dog’s fault, but it can be frustrating when they seem to constantly be going in the house. Potty training is one of the first things that new owners want their dog to learn because it can be an extremely frustrating and gross situation in your home if they don’t. Potty training can take some time, but don’t let it frustrate you because your furry friend can learn to go outside.

Puppy Pads

One of the first things you will need to get for a puppy, or a dog that is not potty trained, are puppy pads. These are small square pads that you can place on the floor or in a crate for your dog to use. Most puppy pads have sticky sides as well if you need to stick them down so they don’t move around when the dog gets on them. Puppy pads are a great way to train the dog to use a specific space to use the restroom, instead of going anywhere in the house. A new puppy’s bladder can’t hold as much water before they have to go, so these can be useful when you can’t watch the puppy or have to leave the house for a while.

A good place to go for puppy pads if you want the convenience of getting them delivered to you, or if you need a lot of them, is Amazon. Puppy pads can come in different sizes so you want to pick the one that works for your dog based on how big they are.

To train the puppy to use the puppy pad is by consistently taking the puppy back to the pad when they have to go. If a puppy starts to use the restroom in the house, make sure to tell the puppy no and redirect them to the puppy pad. If you also see that the puppy may need to go outside you can direct them to the puppy pad so they can go on it. This takes some time for the puppy to learn but if you stay consistent with it they will eventually learn that it is ok to go on the pad and not in other places in the house.

Training to Go Outdoors

Now that the puppy is trained using the puppy pad, you may be thinking I don’t want the dog to go in the house at all. This is true, you don’t want the dog to keep using puppy pads it’s whole life. You want it to be trained to go outside of course. This can be done in various ways and depends on your dog.

One way you can do this is by using a bell, like this one from Amazon, or some type of noise for the dog to let you know it needs to go outside. To do this, place the bell near the door in a place that the dog can reach. When you see that your dog may need to go outside, you direct them to the bell and show them how to ring it. Then you take your dog outside. If you keep doing this consistently, the dog will eventually associate the bell ringing to going outside and will ring it when they need to go.

One way you can do this is by using a bell or some type of noise for the dog to let you know it needs to go outside. To do this, place the bell near the door in a place that the dog can reach. When you see that your dog may need to go outside, you direct them to the bell and show them how to ring it. Then you take your dog outside. If you keep doing this consistently, the dog will eventually associate the bell ringing to going outside and will ring it when they need to go.

Some dogs already make a noise themselves when they need to go, such as barking, or maybe a gesture like putting their paw on you. If you want to continue with this method, make sure to learn your dogs cue and take them out when they show it. They will learn to associate the cue with going outside. One note about this, barking may not be the best cue to go outside as dogs bark in many different situations as well. As you spend more time with your pup you will learn how to tell when they need to go outside.


Potty training can be frustrating at times, but staying consistent and picking a cue that works for your dog can be helpful. Also, over time your puppy will grow and so will their bladder so they won’t have to go outside so much. Don’t let accidents in the house discourage you! Eventually your furry friend will learn how to let you know they need to go outside and you can get rid of those puppy pads!